Friday Night Live Blues- Top Hog BBQ Bourbon and Blues (Oaks Mall)
Now every Friday! Tonight, THE DELTA DUTCHMEN 6:30-9:30
Now every Friday! Tonight, THE DELTA DUTCHMEN 6:30-9:30
The Writers Alliance of Gainesville invites you to learn how the Enneagram can benefit you as a writer or creative. Join us for this free event! Guest speaker Dina Smith, a licensed mental health professional, will describe how the Enneagram can benefit writers and other…
Come visit the 1856 Historic Haile Homestead and enjoy our Vintage Holidays decorations on our guided tours! Come see the Talking Walls! Tours will be conducted from December 7th to December 29th on weekends. Saturdays 10 AM to 2 PM and Sundays 12 PM to…
Join us for our monthly Art Soup! This month we are upcycling old clothes with tie dye, fabric paint, and bleach! Bring your own clothes to decorate, or go through our several bins leftover from our monthly clothing swap! We provide all materials! Free and…
Join us for our monthly Art Soup! This month we are upcycling old clothes with tie dye, fabric paint, and bleach! Bring your own clothes to decorate, or go through our several bins leftover from our monthly clothing swap! We provide all materials! Free and…
A new program each month (usually on the 2nd Sunday, but check the The March 12 program: Get your manuscript ready for publication in this workshop, led by small press owner Arielle Haughee, where we will discuss tightening prose, the most common copy…
Mornings Monday and Weds at Bo Diddley Plaza
Concerts are in the sanctuary followed by a shared lunch. Bring your own lunch or purchase one on-site for $5. Dr. Colleen Cole Beucher (BYOO-sher), soprano, is a new Assistant Professor of Voice at the University of Florida. She completed her DMA in Vocal Performance…
Every Tuesday and Thursday at Bo Diddley Plaza
Line dancing is back at Bo Diddley thanks to the Smooth Flava’s Gainesville chapter! Every Tuesday and Thursday 5:45 – 6:45 PM
Line dancing is back at Bo Diddley thanks to the Smooth Flava’s Gainesville chapter! Every Tuesday and Thursday 5:45 – 6:45 PM
Dance Alive National Ballet presents…The all-time family favorite with beautiful dancing, sets and costumes is here again! Everyone needs a hero, and in this case she’s a girl. Clara saves the Nutcracker prince, and to thank her he brings her on a magical journey to…