Friday Night Live Blues- Top Hog BBQ Bourbon and Blues (Oaks Mall)
Now every Friday! Tonight, THE DELTA DUTCHMEN 6:30-9:30
Now every Friday! Tonight, THE DELTA DUTCHMEN 6:30-9:30
Concerts are in the sanctuary followed by a shared lunch. Bring your own lunch or purchase one on-site for $5. Dr. Colleen Cole Beucher (BYOO-sher), soprano, is a new Assistant Professor of Voice at the University of Florida. She completed her DMA in Vocal Performance…
The Bull: 352-672-6266 Thursdays at the Bull, free, beginner friendly and open to all! Can’t get there on Thurs? See what’s available at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on Tuesdays All summer long #CasinoSalsa #One-1Salsa #Bachata #SocialDancing
Weekly Rehearsal 7:00pm to 9:30pm on Thursdays Grace Presbyterian Church 3146 NW 13th Street, Gainesville, FL Note: We only rent space from Grace Presbyterian Church, we are not affiliated with the church. So please use our contact number or website below. Thank you. Our Website…
Featuring Live Music Thursdays 4-7 PM
Every Friday at the Rosa B. Williams/352 arts space. Join the Bloco GNV for participatory drumming. BLOCO GNV and UF PhD in Ethnomusicology. Classes led by Kenneth Metzer
UF Honors Professor Dr. Ed Kellerman presents a multi-media interactive presentation on the origins of Delta blues, its spread throughout the region, the movers and shakers, and the blues recording industry.
Wild Shiners is good bait. If you have spent any time driving through the rural areas of Florida, you surely have come across a sign on the side of the road, likely made from the upturned, spraypainted hood of a ’75 Ford Maverick with the…