Robert Stebleton

Robert Stebleton’s distinctive style originated in the Midwest where he grew up. Acrylic paint was in it’s infancy when the young artist was introduced to it by an illustrator while studying commercial art at Ferris State College in Michigan. Once he tried acrylics, he knew the versatile medium would forever hold a fascination for him.

A common theme of much of Robert Stebleton’s early work focused on the enduring challenge of time and nature. He painted subjects that he saw around him: Midwestern farms that had withstood a century of harsh winters, vintage cars in tranquil wooded settings, slowly rusting and becoming part of the earth. His work was widely collected, but something was missing.

In 1982 Robert packed his studio and moved to Maine. He was hired at the Maine Maritime Museum as Artist-In-Residence. For the next 19 years he painted coastal Maine. He developed a deep respect for the men and women who faced the daunting challenge of making a living from the ocean. His paintings captured a rapidly disappearing world of wooden boats and the lifestyle of generations of families that had a connection to the sea.

Today Robert Stebleton lives in Ocala, Florida. Love of nature is evident in his paintings. Whether it’s the liquid movement of a school of koi, an intent expression on the face of the artist’s cat or alligators sunning themselves on a cool Florida winter day, Robert’s attention to detail is masterful. The use of color and reflection of light on water creates an abstract of hues and movement. His palate has changed from subtle earth tones to nature’s vast array of color in a visceral sense of beauty and wonder.